Where do you buy your food and why? Have you changed your buying habits in the last ten years?
I'm writing an article and I'm wondering why we shop they way we do.
Where do you buy your food? Pet shop, on line, supermarket?
I find I chop and change. Just like with human food shopping, it's very convenient to be able to get a big home delivery, but sometimes I feel like a bit of a browse and want to check out what's new. And sometimes I suddenly run out and need a quick fix and can't get a bulk delivery quick enough.
I must admit I rarely price check between outlets and tend to get into a habit of shopping where I know where everything is, although I suspect I could save a few pence by shopping around.
In store I'm much more likely to end up buying loads of treats that I otherwise wouldn't and maybe trying something completely new or going mad and getting new beds.
Where do you shop and why?
We're surrounded by large pet shops/chains and don't have a small indie pet shop locally to support, do you have a good one?
In my dreams I'd love to run a dog friendly coffee shop/pet shop/dog advice centre - wouldn't that be cool! I'd buy my food from somewhere like that? I found some amazing pet shops in New York and doggie cafes - wouldn't it cool for us to have a dog friendly treat of a really good cup of coffee and a hand-baked doggie muffin at the end of our walks?
What will pet shops be like in 2020? What would be your dream store?
I'd certainly not want one selling dogs and cats.
But I would like one that holds your hand while you select a dog and has very good links with local rescues and good breeders.
Wouldn't it be lovely to have a shop on the High Street that you can visit with your pet, ask questions to knowledgeable people who really care for the whole of a dog's life.
A place for old fashioned community spirit, for older pet owners to drop in for a chat and a snack and for there to be someone to notice if they suddenly don't. Someone to take a real long-term interest in your pets nutrition, behaviour, health and welfare.
I'm starting to choose the sofas now... Wonder if DFS would like to sponsor......(!)
Maybe my dream pet shop already exists? Are you out there?